Sunday, May 22, 2016

Reflecting Degenerations

As a result of unchecked degeneration activities, eventually, the merit of sentient beings will decrease until their lifespan dwindles down to a mere thirty, twenty and finally ten years. The body of sentient beings will eventually be no more than the size of thumb. During this period, when the life span of beings is declining, three distinctive time periods will occur. These three intermediate periods occur at the end of every declining phase within a given aeon. These are known as 1) the period of famine; 2) the period of plague; 3) the period of weapons. (During the specific time period there exist a way out.

After the period of weapons has passed, the remaining survivors will venture form the mountains and forests back towards towns and cities. Catching sight of others, for the very first time in their lives, they will experience joy and kindness. It is said that during the time after the period of weapons, an emanation of bodhisattva Maitreya will appear in this world. The surviving human beings of that time will have very small bodies, and the body of maitreya will be larger and highly charismatic. Seeing maitreya, the human beings of that time will be amazed, wondering how he could be so much taller than they are. Maitreya will answer saying I have attained such body by following and practicing Buddha's teaching. Buddha maitreya extended his compassion; guidance and wisdom to garner the people also abide in full faith and devotion. This changed behavior lead to accumulation of merit and subsequently to increase in lifespan of up to twenty years in their descendants. Hence, the emanation of maitreya in this human world will mark the beginning of another ascending phase within a given aeon. The virtuous karma gained by abandoning negative activities will result in progressive increase in life span of the human beings form 10 years to 80,000 years.

in order to prevent from these three time periods of famine, plague and war, it is recommended to make offerings such as food and medicine to sangha for avoiding famine and plague. In order to avoid war period, we have to avoid taking lives of any sentient beings.

"in this peak of samsaric world, there is hardly genuine peace and happiness. However they may seem, samsaric, affairs always end in disaster." However industrious you may be, there is no end to worldly activities, but if you practice Dharma, you will swiftly conclude everything. So recognizing the suffering of samsara, turn towards the dharma practice. As you practice the Dharma steadily, even in quite a modest way, you will gradually be able to progress further and further on the path to liberation. Eventually, you will attain a true happiness that can never diminish.  

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